Netværks installation og vedligeholdelses Roadshow

Vi afholder eventet på:


Glostrup Park Hotel

Hovedvejen 41

2600 Glostrup


Tid: 9.00 – 17.00


Cloud, Internet of Things, maskine til maskine, selvstyrende biler, 5G … topologien og de teknologier der implementeres i Telecom infrastruktur ændres hurtigt og markant, og fremtvinger nye test udfordringer til udrulning, optimering og vedligeholdelse af netværk. Anritsu, som gennem tiden har hjulpet mange med netværksinstallation og vedligeholdelse, inviterer sammen med Nortelco dig til en éndags seminar for bedre at forstå de test udfordringer, du står overfor, og den bedste vej til at forbedre din effektivitet og din konkurrenceevne i dette nye miljø.


Hvad vil vi fortælle om…


Vores fire præsentationer vil dække områder der giver dig den nyeste information om fremtidens netværk, de krav I vil stå overfor og de test der kræves for at møde og klare disse kommende udfordringer.

[09:15 – 9:30] Registrering

Brød, kaffe, te og juice

[09:30 – 10:30]








[10:30 – 11:00]

Future technologies of telecom network architecture

Telecom architectures, SDN/NFV architectures, Mobile Edge Computing, and 5G network slicing.

Mobile network evolution, Access Network and fronthaul, Core Network and backhaul.

The move away from copper, expansion of fibre deployment and wireless links.

RF site deployments, fibre to RF units, DAS and CRAN concepts.

RF Line sweep, cable installation, and feeders.

Cloud based tools and measurement methods.


Kaffe pause (30 min)

[11:00 – 12:00]







[12:00 – 13:00]

CPRI & RFoCPRI measurements

Review of CPRI basic technology, architecture, and key specifications.

Features of CPRI protocol stack, and role of the vendor specific parts.

CPRI typical deployments (DAS, RRH, BBU, etc).

CPRI measurements for installation and maintenance of links.

RF over CPRI measurements, what they are, how to make them, and what information is available.



[13:00 – 14:00]







[14:00 – 14:30]

OTN & Transport Network Measurements

Evolution of transport networks, data rates, protocols, and routing mechanisms. Core and Metro network trends.

Evolution of OTN test needs, and testing of Ethernet links at 100GbE and beyond.

Mobile fronthaul/backhaul evolution, CRAN deployment with WDM rings, and PTP timing sync.

Mobile fronthaul fibre testing and OTDR measurements.


Kaffe pause med hjemmelavet kage (30 min)

[14:30 – 15:30] RF Interferences Hunting and Over the Air measurements

Changes in RF spectrum that drive the need for more interference hunting, e.g. broadband wireless (LTE), millimetre wave, and 5G transmissions.

Sources and types of interference, and how they affect different telecom links.

Measurement tools to identify and locate RF interference. Remote spectrum monitoring, drive test/survey, and hand-held tools.

Hints and tips from practical field work.

[15:30 – 17:00] Hands on Demo

At the end of this workshop it will be possible to personally try out the equipment and talk to the expert one-to-one



Deltag på dette Nortelco og Anritsu roadshow for at forstå de nye test udfordringer, som disse teknologier medfører i optimeringen og vedligeholdelsen af netværk.


For at registrer dig til dette gratis roadshow skal du klikke på nedenstående link:




Vi glæder os til at byde dig velkommen til dette meget spændende arrangement.


Med venlig hilsen,


Tommi Sørensen

Nortelco Electronics


Tlf: 48 1775 00