RTS Hypervisor System communication – Case Study

RTS System communication

Operate your systems securely and efficiently

Thanks to hardware-assisted segmentation, the RTS Hypervisor rigorously separates all operating systems from one another. In a complex system, however, it is often vital for applications of a specific operating system (OS) to coordinate activities with programs running on a different OS. To assure correct and efficient operation of the overall system, reliable communication methods must be established. The RTS Hypervisor provides three different ways for operating systems to communicate with each other: a virtual network, shared memory, and an event system. Not only do these methods ease inter-system communication; they allow for reliable synchronization between the operating systems in no time as well.

Read more here: https://www.real-time-systems.com/fileadmin/benutzerdaten/real-time-systems/pdf/rts-notes-communication-web.pdf